رسائل وتهئنة

كلمات تهنئة عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي أقوى عبارات عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي 2024

كلمات تهنئة عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي أقوى عبارات عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي 2024، هناك الكثير يحبون رسائل عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي بأن تكون بالانجليزية لهذا اليوم خصصنا موضوع رسائل عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي جديدة جداً، بها قد تتمكن من مشاركة الاصدقاء والحبيب والاهل وأي شخص في حياتك بمناسبة عيد ميلاده ارسال رسالة عيد ميلاد كتهنئة باللغة الانجليزية، إختر الأن اياً من كلمات انجليزية لعيد ميلاد أو عبارات على شكل رسائل وكلمات تهنئة عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي لأنها غير الرسائل القديمة والمعتادة، ارسلها على الموبايل وهنئ احبابك واصدقائك او زوجتك او زوجك بمناسبة عيد الميلاد نتمنى ان تروق لك الرسائل.

رسائل عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي

أولاً وضعنا لك افضل 10 رسائل انجليزية في العالم بمناسبة عيد ميلاد أي شخص في حياتك، شارك اليوم إحدى اجمل هذه الرسائل مع من تُريد فهي مُناسبة لكل الفئات بنات وشباب وغيرها.

  • I just want you to know that you are my best friend ever. My wish for you on your special day is to see smile on your face. Happy Birthday.
  • May God showers His blessings on you and keeps you safe and healthy. Have a lovely Birthday.
  • All my prayers and all my wishes are for you. As a friend you are the best person in the world. Hope this will be your best birthday ever.
  • This is not only your birthday, it’s the day we share happiness, love and golden moments together. Thanks for being with me.
  • You are the only person I can trust and share. Hope today is your happiest day of life. Happy birthday and may you have many more like this one.
  • Blow the candles and cut the cake but don’t forget to share your happiness with your friends. Happy birthday.
  • You always listen, support, care and love me just like a best friend do. Thanks for being in my life and fill it with happiness. Happy Birthday.
  • If smile comes to face everytime you think about a person, it means the person is reason of your happiness and brightness in life. I want to wish that person lovely Birthday. So Have a really Happy Birthday ever.
  • With each year passing, my love increases day by day. May everyone loves you and keep you happy. Happy Birthday.
  • May your birthday cake will be just like you, soft, sweet and pretty. Happy Birthday to my Best Friend.

يمكنك مشاهدة :- رسائل وداع قصيرة أجمل شعر وكلمات وداع قصيرة 2024

رسائل عيد ميلاد انجليزية

هنا إخترنا لك مجموعة رسائل جميلة انجليزية عن عيد ميلاد، كما أنها تُناسب البنات والاخ والاخت والزوج والزوجة والصديق والصديقة وللمخطوبين ولكُل شخص في حياتك حتى الاب والام، إختر فقط الرسالة التي تُناسب الشخص المستقبل.

  • One more year better, one more year greater. Happy birthday.
  • May you continue to improve as a person every New Year. Wishing you a happy birthday.
  • Birthdays are unique times, the more you celebrate, the more you are assured of success.
  • To the world, you may be just a person, but to me, you are more than the world. Happy birthday love.
  • Happy birthday to you my friend; You bring so much joy to my heart!.
  • Life is tough but birthdays are smooth because I will finally have a chance to smile at you. Happy birthday.
  • Take a day off to celebrate your birthday. Happy birthday.
  • Wishing you a memorable day and an adventurous year, Happy birthday.
  • I want this day to come every time, so I can thank your parents every day for bringing such a wonderful person to me. Happy birthday.
  • Light up the world with your smile, wishing you a happy birthday.
  • Your birthday brings in amazing benefits – your company, delicious food, new friends, melodious music – bring it on! Happy Birthday!.
  • Happy Birthday dear, may your birthday bring loads of fun and cheer!
  • Oo! I just woke up my neighbors, can’t contain my excitement on your birthday – HAPPY BIRTHDAY – See you soon.
  • You have decoded a way to a great life! Happy birthday, my friend, now make best use of your find.
  • You are the most compelling thing which has happened to me. Just can’t be without you. Happy Birthday!
  • I want to lose myself in your arms, happy birthday, my love, my life.
  • May all wonderful desires of your heart come true this day!.

شاهد أيضاً :- رسائل حب بالانجليزي أجمل عبارات وكلمات حب بالانجليزي 2024

رسائل عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي جديدة

  • The best secret yet to be revealed is your true age. Happy birthday my dear friend.
  • You brought light and colors in my life. Happy birthday love.
  • You are the master of many, I love the way you make friends and keep them for years so many. Happy Birthday!.
  • With you, no minute spent is same, it is always what next. Keep it happening, Happy Birthday!.
  • One great year, leads to another. Happy Birthday!.
  • Another happy year of smiles and joys! Happy Birthday!.
  • Birthdays don’t make us older, but wiser and more mature.
  • If birthday is a child’s holiday, I wish you summer vacations.
  • All I wish for you is a thousand reasons to smile.
  • Happy Birthday to someone who defines being exceptionally articulate and overwhelmingly smart. Have fun!
  • May this day be so happy that smile never fades away from your face.
  • May luck, success and happiness never leave your side!.
  • Yes, God creates magic, you are the proof.
  • I wanted to get something cool, terrific and priceless for your birthday, but I don’t fit into the envelope.
  • Thank God for sending you in my life. Happy birthday dear!.
  • Since you came into my life, my life has become brighter.
  • Only good people are lucky to find wishes from their well wishers. Happy birthday.
  • I will make your birthday special till the time you offer me the first piece of cake.
  • This birthday, let’s hope that cake calories are not counted.
  • Birthday is when I make you feel like celeb.

أجمل كلمات تهنئة عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي

  • May everyday bring something new and exciting for you, may this birthday turn out to be as wonderful as you.
  • The number of candles is too much for your cake. Make sure to arrange a bigger one next time.
  • Birthdays should be renamed as buffet cake night for you can eat cake as much as you want.
  • Cheers to yet another year of laughing at silly jokes and giggling for no reasons. Happy birthday dear bestie.
  • Remember when you had few candles on the cake! Now cake is hidden underneath candles. Btw Happy birthday!.
  • Wishing you healthy and wealthy living. Happy Birthday!.
  • Some special words for you on your birthday: Smiling as long as you’ve those teeth.
  • Birthdays are the times when your cake is on fire and your age is revealed. BTW Happy birthday!
  • This birthday, I thought of giving you something precious, then I remembered you already have me in your life.
  • When I looked for something sweet to send you, the stars asked if they would do.
  • Today may be just another day for others; for me your birthday is the best day of the year.
  • Last year was tough on you, but you are fit again! Wishing you a great comeback. Happy Birthday!
  • Our relation finds its lineage in the penchant for birthday cakes. Happy cake-eating day, my friend!.
  • This birthday let’s forget your age, and celebrate for you have crossed yet another level of the game called life.
  • I feel you are getting younger with each birthday candle you blow for your charm never seems to lessen.
  • You are good at everything you do and that is admired. Happy Birthday!.
  • Birthday cake is the only food that you blow on and spit on, still everybody wants to hog on.
  • Happy birthday! May your social media be filled with wishes even from those who you never talk to.
  • I will like to hold you tight and whisper Happy Birthday in your ears; come over, make it happen.It’s the final countdown,
  • The Final Countdown! Have a wonderful birthday and an exciting year ahead.

تعرف علي :- رسائل وداع للاصدقاء أفضل كلمات وعبارات وداع للاصدقاء 2024

كلمات تهنئة عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي

هذه عبارات انجليزية عن عيد الميلاد يُمكنك مشاركتها على شكل تهنئة منشورات او تغريدات او رسائل واتس اب لتهنئة شخص ما بمُناسبة عيد ميلادة، كما أنها مُناسبة لكل الفئات ولمجموعة من أجمل كلام انجليزي لعيد الميلاد على الاطلاق.

  • Congratulations on looking like you only aged one year since your last birthday.
  • Birthdays are good for your health.
    Studies have shown that people who have more birthdays live the longest.
  • Do not regret growing older.
    It’s a privilege denied to many.
  • Life should not only be lived, It should be celebrated! Happy Birthday
  • Someone I love was born today.
  • Have a super fabulous Ful-O-Good-Stuff king of Birthday!
  • A birthday wish is sent your way, Hoping you’ll have a wonderful day, Surrounded by people you hold most dear, Gathered to celebrate one more year, A day is wished for you, I hope it lasts the whole year through.
  • Start each day like it’s your birthday !
  • Wish you a very Happy Birthday. May life lead you to great happiness, success and hope that all your wishes comes true! Enjoy your day.
  • May your birthday be filled with sunshine and smile, laughter, love and cheer. Happy Birthday
  • Birthday are the perfect time for remembering special people like you.. because you mean so much to me. For the sweet person you are; and the kind things you do; May life’s special blessings be yours all year through! Happy Birthday!
  • You’re older today than yesterday but younger than tomorrow. Happy Birthday!
  • A wish for you on your Birthday, Whatever you ask may you receive, whatever you seek, may you find, whatever you wish, may it be fulfilled. On your Birthday & always. Happy Birthday.
  • If it were not for you, I would have never known what is love. Thank you for being my wife. I love you and I wish the best for you on your special day.
    Happy Birthday my beloved.
  • Happy Birthday to a special friendship.
    You’re such a special friend who deserves a special day for being who you are and bringing joy in every way. You make us smile and laugh with everything you do so today we get to send a special birthday wish for you!
  • Man of my dreams, first love of my life and the perfect man ever most girls dedicate these words to their boyfriends, I dedicate them to you.
    Happy Birthday Dad.

عبارات وكلمات تهنئة عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي

  • It’s the perfect time to give a good start to another year. It’s the time to feel good about everything. May you get everything, you wish with every passing year. Happy Birthday!
  • It’s the simplest things that make your life count, like a simple wish Happy Birthday!
  • I always dream about you, you gave smile to my lips, you are my heartbeat, you are my angel and you are the light on my life. Happy birthday!
  • You have given me reason to celebrate life in a memorable way. May all your dreams come true on this special day. Happy Birthday
  • Happy Birthday to my Mom the women who sacrificed many a gracious moment in her life, so that I could have them in mine.
  • Man of my dreams, first love of my life and the perfect man ever-most girls dedicate these words to their boyfriends, I dedicated them to you. Happy Birthday Dad.
  • You are special in my life, not only for being my lovely sister, but also for being one of my best friends. Without you I would have not made this far.
  • Happy Birthday my most beautiful, my darling, my mom, my dear, my best friend. May your day be as bright as you.
  • Happy birthday mom. There is nothing more precious then the gentle ties that bond us together.
  • Sending you all my love on your birthday to keep your heart warm the whole year through. Happy Birthday, my dearest!
  • Wishing you happiness to welcome each morning, wishing you laughter to make your heart sing. Wishing you friendship sharing and caring, and all of the joy the Birthday can bring.
  • Hope your birthday is complete with joy, love and special treats for a day of fun that can’t be beat!
  • May everything happy and everything bright, be yours on your birthday from morning till night!
  • Why is a birthday cake the only food you can blow on and spit on and everybody rushes to get a piece?

مقالات قد تنال إعجابك :- 

  1. تفسير رؤية الجوال الأسود في المنام للمتزوجة والعزباء أبرز 12 تفسير
  2. رسائل تهنئة زواج صديقتي أفضل كلمات لصديقتي في عرسها 2024
  3. رسائل وداع عراقية أجمل عبارات وكلمات وداع عراقية 2024
  4. رسائل وداع حب ورومانسية عبارات وكلمات وداع حب ورومانسية 2024
  5. رسائل عن يوم الخميس أفضل عبارات و كلمات عن يوم الخميس 2024
  6. رسائل اشتياق رومانسي أجمل رسائل اشتياق رومانسيه 2024
  7. تهاني خطوبة قصيرة بالعامية أفضل تهاني بمناسبة الخطوبة 2024


وإلي هذا الحد نكون قد إنتهينا من سرد مقال كلمات تهنئة عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي وكذلك سردنا لكم أقوى عبارات عيد ميلاد بالانجليزي 2024 عبر موقع مقالاتك ويمكنك تصفح المزيد من خلال قسم رسائل وتهنئة.